What is a condyloma?

Genital condyloma, also known as genital warts, are growths found on the penis or scrotum and pubic area. They sometimes also appear on the perineum or around the anus.

Approximately 50% to 70% of sexually active people will come into contact with human papilloma virus (HPV) during their lifetime. However, it typically goes away on its own. About 1% of the population suffers from genital warts. However, they cause very few symptoms.

The incubation period is typically about 1 to 8 months. However, in some cases, it can take several years or decades for condyloma to appear. Some people who get HPV fight it off and don’t show any symptoms. Unknowingly, they carry it and develop lesions when their immune system is reduced by age, disease or treatment. It’s difficult to pinpoint when and from whom they caught HPV.