Preventive screening of male urological problems
We offer our male clientele a screening service, preventive medicine and follow-up in a visit.
Here are the services offered exclusively to our male patients:
- Screening and treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy
- Screening and treatment of overactive bladder
- Screening and treatment of testosterone deficiency
- Screening and Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
- Screening for prostate cancer
Male screening approach
Three questionnaires must be completed beforehand.
1-A questionnaire on the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).</sevaluatingllows to evaluate the severity of the symptoms. It also makes it possible to compare the symptoms from one year to another. (IPSS)
2- A questionnaire on sexual functions to evaluate erectile dysfunction. (IEEF-5)
3-A questionnaire on testosterone deficiency. (Q-ADAM)
Testosterone deficiency is a common disorder in men over the age of 45 that can have physical, sexual and psychological effects. Understanding testosterone deficiency can help you deal with the impact of testosterone in your daily life.
In addition, a urinary flow rate, an ultrasound of the bladder and measurement of the residual volume post micturition and laboratory examinations are scheduled at the appointment.
What is the IPSS questionnaire that assesses the symptoms of BPH in male screening?
1. Did you feel that your bladder was not completely empty after urinating?
2.Do you need to urinate again less than 2 hours after urinating?
3.Have you had an interruption of the urine stream, ie start of the jet, stop and restart?
4.Have you had difficulty retaining your urge to urinate after feeling the need?
5.Did you have a decrease in the size or strength of the urine stream?
6.Have you had to force or push to start urinating?
7.In the past month, how many times per night did you average to urinate?
What is the questionnaire on sexual functions to assess erectile dysfunction (IEEF-5) in male screening?
1. How safe were you to have an erection and maintain it?
2.When you had erections as a result of sexual stimulation, how often was your penis rigid enough (hard) to penetrate?
3.When you have tried to have sex, how often have you been able to stay erect after penetrating your partner?
4.During your sexual intercourse, how difficult was it to stay erect until the end of these relationships?
5.When you tried to have sex, how often were you satisfied?
Interpretation of IEEF-5 Severe erection disorder (score 5 to 10), moderate (11 to 15), mild (16 to 20), normal erectile function (21 to 25) and uninterpretable (1 to 4).
What is the Questionnaire on Testosterone Deficiency (Q-ADAM) in Male Screening?
1. Do you experience a decline in sexual desire?
2. Do you experience a drop in energy?
3. Do you experience a decrease in strength and / or endurance?
4. Has your height decreased?
5. Have you noticed a decrease in your joie de vivre?
6. Are you sad and / or sullen?
7. Are your erections less strong?
8. Have you noticed any recent impairment of your abilities?
9. Do you fall asleep after dinner?
10. Has your job performance been reduced?
-a score equal to or greater than 3 suggests a testosterone deficiency
-a positive answer to questions 1 and / or 7 suggests a testosterone deficiency
What is urinary flow measurement at the male screening appointment?
During this examination, you will urinate in a device that looks like a toilet. The device is a funnel. The exam lasts a few minutes. It is wirelessly connected to a computer. The result is then printed on a sheet. Urine flow varies with the age and sex of the patient. If the result indicates problems especially obstruction, other tests may be necessary to clarify the diagnosis.
What is an ultrasound of the bladder and measurement of the residual volume post micturition?
What are the possible diagnoses after screening?
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Overactive bladder
- Testosterone deficiency
- Erectile dysfunction
- Prostate cancer