Contrary to popular belief, it is not only women who are affected by low libido syndrome. At least one in five men periodically suffer from low libido. According to a study conducted by the Global Sexual Attitudes And Behaviour Study on a sample of 13,618 men of all ages and backgrounds, periodic low libido affects about 28% of the population. Approximately 3.9% of this population would suffer from hypolibido. Like erectile dysfunction, the causes of low sexual desire can vary from one individual to another. Today, there are many solutions and treatments that are effective against this condition. What are the causes of loss of libido in men? How to get rid of this problem? The Marois Clinics tell you everything you need to know about the loss of libido in men.

Causes of loss of libido in men

The loss of libido in men is manifested by the total or temporary lack of sexual desire. In the most severe cases, this can lead to erectile dysfunction. The causes of a lack of male libido can be physical or psychological.

  • Physical causes of fluctuating sexual desire in men

    One of the main causes of loss of libido in men is lack of testosterone. As we age, the body’s production of testosterone naturally decreases. This hormone plays an essential role in sperm maturation and sexual desire. The reduction in the level of this hormone in men inevitably leads to a lack of sexual desire. This purely medical cause can therefore cause frustration or loss of confidence in the man.

    Erectile dysfunction can also be the cause of low libido in men. These problems can affect the ability to ejaculate or reach orgasm, to be sexually aroused or even sexual impotence. Ejaculation disorders (erectile dysfunction) can include difficulty ejaculating, premature ejaculation or difficulty maintaining an erection long enough to satisfy a partner. In the majority of cases, these abnormalities lead to a loss of libido.

    Taking certain medications or substances can cause a man to lose his sexual desire. The side effects of some medications include libidinal impulses. This can lead to a decrease in a man’s sexual desire. In most cases, these side effects are temporary and disappear when the treatment ends. If this is the case, avoid voluntarily interrupting your medication. Ask your doctor’s advice before taking any personal initiative.

    Lack of or decreased sexual desire can also be caused by certain infectious, endocrine, neurological, urological or chronic disorders or diseases such as diabetes, HIV, kidney failure or obesity.

    Most men like to boast about their sexual merits. In some cases, however, a man may experience sexual impotence. This involuntary impotence combined with the frustration of a dissatisfied partner can cause variations in libido.

    Low sex drive can also be caused by dissatisfaction in men. Sexual intercourse without excitement or satisfaction can be very unpleasant for the man. The repetition of this phenomenon causes frustrations that naturally lead to a lack of libido.

  • Psychological causes of low libido in men

    The absence or lack of libido in men can have several psychological and mental causes such as:

    • anxiety,
    • stress and fatigue,
    • sexual trauma,
    • frustration with a lack of performance,
    • sexual dissatisfaction,
    • relationship problems.

    Anxiety, stress, depression and fatigue have a great negative impact on the intensity of sexual desire in a person. A man who is constantly subjected to work pressure, problems and fatigue gradually loses the desire to have sex. If he suffers from depression or chronic stress, he can no longer relax, which over time reduces his desire to have sex.

    The decrease in sexual desire can be due to a traumatic event. Sexual assault in all its forms, infidelity by a partner, or a very bad sexual experience are all emotional shocks that can dampen a man’s libido. In general, the majority of people (men and women) who have been victims of rape have flashbacks of their aggression when they decide to have a sexual relationship. This can create a block that manifests itself as a decreased libido.

Causes de la perte de libido chez l'homme

How to regain your male libido?

Depending on the cause of the problem, low male libido can be treated in different ways.

  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle to improve your libido

    Healthy living plays an essential role in achieving physical and mental health.

    To boost your libido, it is essential to have a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid eating too much fat, too much sugar or too much salt. Prioritize foods that promote the secretion of testosterone by the body such as salmon, avocado, carrots, sweet potatoes or cheese. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

    The second tip for a healthy lifestyle is to practice regular sports. The realization of a moderate sport of at least 30 minutes indeed supports the secretion of endorphins and serotonin. Considered as the hormones of well-being and happiness, they help you to evacuate stress and improve your libido. The objective here is not to do sports intensively. According to some studies, addiction to sports can have the opposite effect. Three to four thirty-minute or one-hour sessions per week are more than enough to rebalance the libido.

    Insomnia is also a factor that can impact your libido. In fact, it is one of the symptoms of anxiety and chronic stress. Lack of sleep promotes irritability in a person by creating functional imbalances in the body. To improve your libido, get enough sleep. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

  • Taking a step back to take better care of yourself

    In times of low libido, it’s important to take time to refocus on yourself. At some point in the relationship, men sometimes need their own space to decompress and reconnect. Taking time away from your partner can also help you develop a sense of missing each other. After some time apart, the reunion will be better and will create desire on your side.

    On the other hand, feeling bad about himself can cause a man to lose his libido. As it usually happens with women, he may lose confidence and feel unwanted. The best thing to do at this time is to do activities that will help you regain your confidence. For example, you can do body treatments or change your wardrobe to make you look your best.

  • Communication as a couple, an effective way to improve libido

    Another effective way to regain sexual desire is through communication. It can be difficult for some men to disclose what they think is a weakness to their partner. However, this is one of the best solutions, especially if you are aware that your condition may affect your partner’s well-being. Even if you don’t say anything, your partner has probably already noticed your lack of sexual desire. So there’s no need to leave the situation as is.

    Try to discuss the issue as a couple without taboos or frustration. Together you will find the best solution to the problem. During this dialogue, don’t forget to make a distinction between the loss of your libido and the love you have for your partner. After this discussion, you can plan a romantic vacation, a weekend away or simply a romantic evening that will reawaken your libido.

    You can also spice up your intimate life to remedy the problem. For example, try new sexual positions or have sex in unusual places that make you fantasize. Of course, this must be done with your partner’s permission.

  • Food supplements to boost libido

    A natural solution to stimulate sexual desire in men is to take food supplements. As a source of nutrients, supplements provide the body with the food substances it needs for its development. The consumption of food supplements should not replace the diet. For a better efficiency, it must be combined with a balanced and adapted diet.

    To boost your libido, you can opt for the following natural food supplements:

    • Ginseng,
    • ginger,
    • maca,
    • vitamin complexes.

    Before starting a cure of food supplements, it is preferable to ask your doctor for advice.

  • Food supplements based on aphrodisiac plants

    Ginseng has been used for decades for its many benefits to the body. This rhizome is known for its aphrodisiac, stimulating, energizing, balancing and antioxidant properties. It tones up the body and helps you to evacuate stress and fatigue that can cause a decrease in sexuality. It contributes to the stimulation of the circulation and thus helps to optimize the erectile function in men.

    Like ginseng, ginger is a rhizome that is known for its aphrodisiac properties. Many studies have highlighted the benefits of this root on sexual stimulation. Ginger would also have vasodilator virtues which help to facilitate the blood flow necessary to the erection.

    Symbol of sexual vigor and fertility in Peru, maca is a root that is known by all for its aphrodisiac benefits. Very rich in isothiocyanates and glucosinoals, this plant helps boost energy naturally. Associated with a good diet, the maca food supplement helps to stimulate sexual pleasure.

  • Multivitamin complexes

    Taking food supplements based on vitamins, minerals and trace elements is also a good solution to improve your libido. Food supplements based on iodine, magnesium or zinc will also be of great help to have a fulfilling sex life.

    Zinc participates in the regulation of the testosterone level in the blood while magnesium helps to have a very good muscular contraction at the penis level. Iodine participates in the normal function of thyroid hormones. These hormones help balance the libido.

  • Therapy, an effective way to fight low libido

    Therapy is a solution to correct low libido in men, especially if it is caused by a psychological or emotional factor. It helps the patient understand the source of his problem so that he can take the necessary steps to counter it. It can be done alone or in couple according to your preferences. If the pain is related to a traumatic event that concerns your partner, it is very likely that you will do couple therapy.

    Sex therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that aims to correct certain sexual dysfunctions. It uses systemic, integrated, psychodynamic or cognitive-behavioral approaches to treat sexual disorders in patients.

    In order to have a better libido, you can therefore consult a sex therapist to evacuate the stress linked to your condition. These sessions help you to externalize your anguish or anxiety to a specialized professional. The latter will listen to you with benevolence without judgment or criticism. In fact, it is often easier to share and reveal your feelings to someone outside the couple.

    Keep in mind that sex therapy is only effective if the decreased libido is not caused by a health problem. It is therefore important to first conduct a health assessment before opting for this solution. If your problem persists even though you are in good health, the sex therapist will help you get through this difficult period.

    Whether the sexual disorder is due to psychological or emotional causes, the professional will determine the origin of the problem. After this step, he will set up a program that aims to begin your recovery. This will help to increase sexual satisfaction and pleasure within the couple.

  • Consult a specialist to understand the problem

    Low sexual desire can be caused by the use of substances or certain medications. The only solution at this time is to make an appointment with your doctor to explain the problem. If the sexual dysfunction is due to the side effects of a medication, the doctor may decide to reduce the dose to limit the inconvenience.

    The doctor may also decide to change the treatment and prescribe another alternative to the problematic medication. This will help you regain your sexual balance safely.

Retrouver sa libido masculine

Medical treatments to correct sexual disorders

For both men and women, there are several medical treatments that can effectively treat a lack of libido. Here are three medical treatments offered by Les Cliniques Marois to correct this disorder.

  • Shockwave therapy, an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction

    Shockwave is a therapy that uses acoustic and vibratory shock waves to correct erectile dysfunction. It consists of stimulating the creation of new microvascular blood vessels to increase the blood supply to the penis. Thus, shockwave therapy allows to have a reliable and complete erection maintenance. In addition to optimizing sexual performance in men, shockwave therapy is particularly beneficial for people with erectile dysfunction caused by cardiovascular disease.

    Shockwave therapy is painless and therefore does not require anesthesia. It is applied with a probe emitting low-intensity shockwaves on several areas of the penis for a few minutes.

    The advantage of this procedure is that it requires no advance preparation. During the first consultation, the doctor will first perform a general evaluation to determine your health status and your eligibility for the procedure. The doctor will be very attentive to the patient’s needs and will explain the procedure and the results that can be obtained. He will then apply the first treatment and give you advice on how to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment.

    A minimum of three sessions is required to achieve a good result. Shock wave therapy has an average efficacy of 64%. Its effectiveness is more remarkable in patients who respond to PDE-5. Patients who suffer from diabetes or who are over 60 years old are slightly less sensitive to the treatment. Thanks to his expertise and years of experience, our specialist is able to suggest other alternatives if the results after three sessions are not significant. In cases where you respond well to the treatment, you can enjoy the effects for up to two years.

  • Testosterone supplements to optimize sexual desire

    Testosterone replacement is an effective solution to correct the decline of this hormone at a certain age. This therapy is designed to help men with low libido regain their sexual desire and have energy and well-being in their daily lives.

    In addition to their action on the libido in men, testosterone supplements help improve the quality of erections. Testosterone also helps regulate muscle mass, fertility and red blood cell production. This hormone has a positive effect on mood, which promotes concentration and memory. This replacement therapy is administered by direct injection, skin absorption or into the muscle mass.

    Here are the different possible methods of administration:

    • nasal gels that are administered directly into the nostrils,
    • gels that can be administered directly on the skin,
    • treatments administered by means of a patch,
    • subcutaneous injections,
    • Drinkable capsules.

    Today, there is another form of administration in the form of bio-identical granules. The strength of this method of administration is that it is simple, very stable and very effective. This is why this method is favoured by Les Cliniques Marois. These tiny bio-identical testosterone granules are implanted directly into the fat of the buttocks.

  • Plasma injection to correct erectile dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction is a factor that can cause a man to lose his libido. Platelet-rich plasma injection is an effective solution to this problem. This minimally painful procedure is designed to treat erectile dysfunction and at the same time increase a man’s libido.

    Penile plasma injection consists of taking plasma from the blood which is then enriched with platelets. This serum is then injected into the genitals. This stimulates tissue growth and regeneration to improve erection. This procedure must be performed by specialists with equipment that is approved and complies with current health and safety standards.

    This procedure is intended for men in their forties and older who have various sexual problems (difficulty maintaining a firm erection, libido problems, etc.). To optimize the effectiveness of this treatment, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. For example, the results are less significant in patients who are used to smoking. This is justified by the fact that smoking has negative effects on blood circulation.

    Loss or decrease of libido in men can be caused by many physiological and psychological factors such as stress, taking certain drugs and substances, lack of certain hormones, erectile dysfunction, sexual dissatisfaction or fatigue. To remedy this, it may be beneficial to change one’s lifestyle, consult a doctor, take nutritional supplements or make an appointment with a sex therapist.

    Medical treatments such as testosterone supplements, penile plasma injection or shockwave therapy are also very effective in restoring libido and promoting a better erection. Do not hesitate to consult one of our specialists to take advantage of these different treatments in complete safety.