Laser vaginal tightening, Montreal and Quebec City


Laser vaginal tightening, Montreal and Quebec City



How does laser vaginal tightening work?

The Fotona laser used for vaginal tightening (also sometimes referred to as vaginal rejuvenation) stimulates the collagen-rich vaginal mucosa tissue with precisely controlled laser pulses. This process of collagen neogenesis and reconstruction works to tighten the vaginal walls and also improve lubrication during sex.

To date, there have been few studies on gynecological laser treatments. However, there have been many analogous studies in the field of dermatology. The results of the
various studies have convincingly demonstrated the efficacy of this type of laser treatment.

Notably, Drs. Riviera and Fistonic have shown that there are high rates of patient satisfaction with the laser vaginal tightening procedure. Moreover, the efficacy of the Erbium Yag laser was demonstrated via the subjective impressions of patients as recorded in validated questionnaires. Additionally, objective measurements looking at the degree of contraction of the vaginal canal tissue before and after the procedure, showed an average of 17% in increased tightness. Further, the sexual satisfaction of patients following the procedure, based on the McCoy Female Sexuality Questionnaire (MFSQ), showed an improvement of 8.5 points on a 36-point scale.

Laser vaginal tightening has many potential benefits, including:

  • Improved lubrication
  • Heightened sensitivity during sex
  • A narrower vaginal canal
  • Improved ability to reach orgasm
  • Relief of urinary incontinence, when present
  • Overall improvement in the patient’s sex life

How is a laser vaginal tightening treatment administered?

The treatment for laser vaginal rejuvenation is administered at the clinic by a urology nurse, under the supervision of Dr. Marois. Prior to the procedure, there’s an initial consultation during which the patient undergoes a medical assessment and is given detailed information about the treatment.

The procedure itself is safe and straightforward: there’s no incision involved and no preparation for the treatment is required on the part of the patient. It takes about 10 minutes to administer the treatment, and the entire appointment takes about 30 minutes.

As the procedure can be slightly uncomfortable for the patient, it can be performed following the application of anesthetic cream at the entrance of the vagina, if the patient wishes.

In accordance with our treatment protocol for vaginal rejuvenation, laser treatment for urinary incontinence is automatically included.

Laser treatment can’t be given when a woman is on her period. It should also be avoided when a woman has a vaginal or urinary tract infection.

Who’s a candidate for laser vaginal treatment?

The primary indication for this treatment is vaginal relaxation syndrome: a medical term that refers to the loss of vaginal tightness or vaginal laxity that may occur following multiple childbirths or as a result of collagen loss related to aging. Women with this condition frequently experience decreased pleasure and sensitivity during sex, as well as vaginal dryness. They may also have difficulty achieving orgasm.

How many laser vaginal tightening sessions are needed before the patient notices improvements?

Some women see a significant improvement in vaginal tightness after just one or two sessions. However, generally three sessions are scheduled, each one month apart. The price has been adjusted to offer a treatment program that maximizes the impact of the therapy as well as patient satisfaction.

How long does the laser vaginal tightening treatment last?

Tissue contraction and improved lubrication of the vaginal area has been shown to last 12 to 18 months. The patient may then decide to undergo a new series of treatments.

What can be expected during the recovery period?

Recovery is rapid and no painkillers are needed following the procedure. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately but should avoid strenuous physical exertion for a week. It’s also advisable to wait two weeks before resuming sexual activity.

Are there other vaginal rejuvenation treatments available to improve female sexual satisfaction?

Platelet-rich plasma injections can be used to increase the intensity of a woman’s orgasms or treat female sexual dysfunction. Platelet-rich plasma injection for vaginal rejuvenation is a simple, painless procedure that increases blood flow and sensitivity in the clitoral, periurethral and anterior vaginal regions.

Contact us if you’re interested in receiving laser vaginal tightening therapy in Greater Montreal or Quebec City.

Would you like to make an appointment, or do you have any questions? Write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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